AI Policy for Educators

AI Use Policy for K-12 Educators

Draft March 2024


Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI):

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn. It can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as understanding language, recognizing patterns, solving problems, and making decisions. In the educational context, AI can support personalized learning, automate administrative tasks, and provide interactive and engaging learning experiences. As AI technologies evolve, it's imperative to establish clear guidelines to leverage these tools effectively and ethically within our K-12 schools.


Policy Statement:

This policy outlines the acceptable and unacceptable uses of AI in our K-12 educational environment. Our goal is to harness AI's potential to enhance educational outcomes while safeguarding our students' privacy, security, and well-being.


Inappropriate Uses of AI in Education:


Violating Privacy and Data Security:


AI must not be used to collect, store, or analyze student data without explicit consent and a clear educational purpose. It is inappropriate to use AI tools that infringe on students' privacy rights or fail to comply with data protection laws (e.g., FERPA, COPPA).

Bias and Discrimination:


Implementing AI systems that perpetuate biases or discrimination is prohibited. AI tools should be scrutinized for fairness and bias, ensuring they do not disadvantage any student group based on race, gender, socio-economic status, or ability.

Replacing Human Interaction:


AI should not replace essential human elements of teaching and mentoring. While AI can augment teaching, it must not substitute for the personalized and empathetic interaction between teachers and students.

High-Stakes Decision Making:


Using AI for high-stakes decisions, such as determining a student’s academic progression, grading, or disciplinary actions, without human oversight is inappropriate. AI should support, not replace, the professional judgment of educators.

Unvetted Educational Content:


AI-generated educational content must be thoroughly vetted by educational professionals to ensure accuracy, relevance, and appropriateness. Relying solely on AI to generate and deliver instructional material is not acceptable.

Unsupervised Use by Students:


Allowing unsupervised use of AI tools by students, especially younger children, can lead to misuse, exposure to inappropriate content, or misinterpretation of information. Educators must guide and supervise AI interactions within the educational framework.

Implementation and Monitoring:


Educators will receive training on the ethical use of AI and its integration into the curriculum.

AI tools must undergo a rigorous evaluation process before being approved for classroom use.

Regular audits will be conducted to ensure compliance with this policy and to assess the effectiveness and impact of AI in the learning environment.


AI presents significant opportunities for enhancing K-12 education but must be used with careful consideration to ethical, privacy, and educational standards. This policy will be reviewed annually to adapt to evolving technologies and educational needs, ensuring that AI remains a positive and powerful tool for learning and development in our schools.

AI Policy for Students

AI Use Policy for Students in the K-12 Educational Environment

Draft March 2024

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI):

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn. It can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as understanding language, recognizing patterns, solving problems, and making decisions. In the educational context, AI can support personalized learning, automate administrative tasks, and provide interactive and engaging learning experiences. As AI technologies evolve, it's imperative to establish clear guidelines to leverage these tools effectively and ethically within our K-12 schools.


This policy outlines the principles and rules governing the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools by students within the K-12 educational environment. The aim is to ensure that students engage with AI technologies responsibly, ethically, and effectively to enhance their learning experiences while safeguarding their privacy and well-being.


Policy Scope:

This policy applies to all AI technologies and platforms accessed or used by students within the school premises, for school-related tasks, or through school-provided devices and networks.


Responsible AI Use:


Educational Purpose:


Students must use AI tools solely for educational purposes as directed by teachers or school authorities. Using AI for non-educational activities or submitting AI work as original student work within the school context is prohibited.

Ethical Conduct:


Students are expected to use AI technologies ethically, respecting copyright laws, privacy norms, and the intellectual property rights of others. AI should not be used to engage in plagiarism, cheating, or any form of dishonesty in academic work. AI work must not be submitted in the place of student work.

Privacy and Data Protection:


Students must be cautious when interacting with AI tools that require personal information. Sharing sensitive or personal data without proper authorization or oversight is prohibited. Students should understand the risks and implications of data sharing and seek guidance from teachers when necessary.

Respectful Interaction:


Any form of communication with or through AI tools, including chatbots or virtual assistants, must adhere to the same standards of respect and decency expected in human interactions. Abusive, harmful, or disrespectful conduct through AI platforms is unacceptable.

Safety and Security:


Students must not use AI to access or disseminate harmful or inappropriate content. They should immediately report any security breaches, suspicious activities, or exposure to inappropriate content encountered during AI use to school authorities.

Resource Responsibility:


AI resources, such as software, chatbots, or assistants should be used responsibly and not abused for the ease of use in creating original content. Students should ensure that AI tools are used responsibly, without unnecessary ethical implications.

Monitoring and Compliance:


The school will monitor the use of AI technologies to ensure compliance with this policy. Monitoring will be conducted in an ethical manner, respecting the privacy and rights of students.

Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to, restriction of access to AI resources, educational interventions, or other disciplinary measures as deemed appropriate by the school administration.

1st Offense: Forfeiture of grade on assignments and a teacher conference.

2nd Offense: Forfeiture of grade on assignments and a parent/teacher conference.

3rd Offense: Forfeiture of grade on assignments and an administrator conference.

All additional offenses will be handled by administration.

Review and Update:


This policy will be reviewed and updated annually to reflect new developments in AI technology, changes in legal and ethical standards, and the evolving needs of the educational environment.



The responsible use of AI by students in the K-12 educational setting is essential for fostering a safe, ethical, and productive learning environment. By adhering to this policy, students will be better equipped to leverage AI technologies for their educational advancement while respecting the norms and values of our school community.