CTAE at Taliaferro County K12

Career Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE)  courses expose students to career pathways, teach them employability skills, and prepare them to enter the workforce, a university, a technical college, military service, and/or a registered apprenticeship. More information about CTAE in Georgia can be found by accessing the GA Department of Education's website.


The following CTAE courses and pathway are offered at Taliaferro County K12:


 Middle School 

  ~ Exploring Agricultural Education


High School 

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Cluster

~Plant and Floriculture Systems Pathway

  • Basic Agricultural Science
  • General Horticulture and Plant Science
  • Floriculture Production and Management

Business Management and Administration

~Business Technology Pathway

  • Introduction to Business and Technology
  • Business and Technology
  • Business Communications

Finance Cluster

~Financial Services Pathway

  • Introduction to  Business and Technology
  • Financial Literacy
  • Banking, Investing & Insurance

Health Science Cluster

~Therapeutic Services/Patient Care Pathway

  • Introduction  to Healthcare Science
  • Essentials of Healthcare
  • Patient Care Fundamentals

Information Technology Cluster

~Web and Digital Design Pathway

  • Introduction to Digital Technology
  • Digital Design
  • Web Design


Work-Based Learning


Questions about our CTAE program?

Anyone seeking further information concerning the career and technical education offerings and specific

pre-requisite criteria should contact:

Ms. Claire Woodard

CTAE Director

557 Broad Street NW

Crawfordville, GA 30631


(706) 986-0396 ext. 335



Taliaferro County K-12 offers Career and Technical Education programs for all students regardless of race, color, national origin, including those with limited English proficiency, sex or disability in grades 6-12. Inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies should be directed to:

Dr. Andreana L. Jones

Director of Federal Programs/Student Services

(Title II, Title IX, Section 504)

557 Broad Street NW

Crawfordville, GA 30631


(706) 986-0396 ext. 305